Spring's Awakening
By Marc R. Boulais*

May the first breeze of Spring

Touch your heart and caress your face

With a gentle tease of the beauty of the

Felt, but unseen glance of God’s benevolent love.

As the seasons change and you behold

The oneness in Nature’s rhythm, be

Thankful as the Spring’s tulips, who

Stretch their necks heavenward in praise

And thanks for their short span of glory.

Take time to feel the warmth of

The Sun who spreads his blanket of heat

On all with non-judgment and impartiality;

To melt the hearts of those frozen in

The icy grip of self-concern.

As the setting sun appears to rest,

Do the same with your quiver of fears,

Releasing them into the hands of God;

To disburse as meteors in

A blaze of night light mystery.

Pray for God’s joy to be a

Gentle rain to soften your soul

To be prepared for the showers

Of His constantly unfolding blessings.

- by Marc R. Boulais


* Marc R. Boulais is a serious student of Life who is committed to learning, living and practicing universal life truths. Having been raised Roman Catholic, it is clear that his short story “Deep Waters” includes imagery and references that reflect his strong Christian background. But Marc is also a student of other disciplines. He studies A Course in Miracles, the works of Joseph Campbell, the teachings of native American Indian Fools Crow, as well as the poetic writings of Rumi and Lao-Tzu, to name a few. According to Marc, all spokes of the wheel lead to the center and that center is God.

Painting Artist: Suzette Boulais is a student of Course In Miracles and co-facilitates a Sunday morning Course in Miracles class in Peoria, Illinois. More of Suzette’s artwork can be found on her website at http://www.suzetteboulais.com/

Course In Miracles Society
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68114